Finally proved, after the test in State College, students can get in close to 90%. Incredibly, because students were already clever-clever, derived from Favorites high school. After that we say "CONGRATULATIONS" to our students received at the State University announced in The Daily People's Sovereignty full page. After that as if little guidance tests such as "explode", students in the following years enormous. Strategies to communicate in the Daily People's Sovereignty, which I now know is called the Strategic Positioning, the strategy has put the product a good position in the minds of consumers.
Positioning concepts as the basis of the marketing strategy put forward by Jack Trout and Ries All the early 1970s and became a popular base of the development of creative strategies. The general idea of positioning is to place a product to get a good position in the minds of consumers. Brand that already has an established position in the minds of would be the impact on the consumer need a solution. Normally oriented market leader.
Company a competitive advantage, in fact are the hallmarks of communication. So the problem is a problem in competing in the communication. Positioning strategy is in fact the communication strategy. Advertising is a form of communication, from the standpoint of recipients, built in a low appreciation. If you succeed in the advertising, you're likely to succeed in business, religion, political or lainyang activity requires mass communication.
Positioning is a concept that changed the authenticity of the ad, a simple concept that makes people face difficulties in understanding its power. Positioning starts with a product, goods, services, companies, or people. But positioning is not something you do with the product. Positioning is something you do to prospective customers mind, which is placing the product on the prospect's mind. So a mistake when calling this concept as "product positioning". Just as you do something about the physical product. Was also wrong if the positioning does not involve a change. But these changes are changes to the name, price and packaging of the product rather than as a whole. Basically there are changes that will be performances with the aim of ensuring sustu more valuable position in the minds of potential customers.
Merupakah also positioning the first body of thought that are designed to hold a hearing problem in our society who flooded information. The only defense a person has in society is a very simple idea. So the best approach to be taken in masysrakat someone is a simple message. In communications, as well as in architecture, less is more. You have to sharpen the message to be entered in the consumer's mind. Even Jack Trout and Al Ries said that the positioning is not done on the product, but that worked against the consumer's mind. Primagama use the word "Leadership In Achievement" as positioning.
Nov 21, 2009
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